You’re never alone on the football field.
Whether you’re working with a teammate or working with the sideline, there’s always help nearby.
That’s why most tackles end up being VICE TACKLES.
Here are some thoughts.
It’s all about leverage.
The goal is to FUNNEL the ball carrier towards your nearest help.
When doing this, you must take a great ANGLE.
If you lose your leverage, you waste your help.
Elite Linebackers are able to master this key concept.
Ball Carrier TO
When the ball carrier is moving TOWARDS you, you become the Front Hip player.
When making this type of tackle, you’ll want to come to balance.
This will help you generate the power you need, and also help you keep your leverage.
Keep your near foot forward when making the tackle.
Strike with your near shoulder, and keep your head out of contact.
Wrap, strain, and finish.
Ball Carrier AWAY
When the ball carrier is moving AWAY from you, you become the Back Hip player.
For this type of tackle, you DO NOT need to come to balance.
Angle is important here.
Take the air out of the play by gaining ground and not allowing a cutback.
Fire the hips and run through the tackle.
Here are some good VICE TACKLES:
Final Thought
If you’re looking for some DRILLS you can use to work on VICE TACKLES, check out the Linebacker Toolbox 2.0.
Teams that make great VICE TACKLES are tough to move the ball against.
Take care,
Jon Svec
Defensive Coordinator
St. Francis Xavier University
X-Men Football
Twitter: @jonsvecx
Take a DEEP DIVE into Linebacker fundamentals with the Linebacker Toolbox 2.0.